First, I wanted to send this message sooner, much sooner.
Although the things i did before definitely raise questions about my
priorities, i don't think meaningful correspondence can be rushed.
Is it too late to wish you a happy lunar/Chinese new year? As you
know, i don't do social-media websites. This electronic
correspondence is my opportunity to share pictures and ideas with
people i care about. Today, I write from Little Havana, a
neighborhood in Miami known for it's Cuban roots. It's a nice place
to relax, enjoy tropical weather, practice Spanish, and evade the

In July of 2016 I flew back to the United
States to promote my website ( http://cryptobiz.directory
) at the HOPE conference in Manhattan. I attend this bi-annual
computer hobbyist conference since 2008, and it was there in new
York city in 2014 that i was inspired to make my own website.

Although i have mixed-feelings about Richard
Stallman (because he has not published any software in more than a
decade yet he continues to talk endlessly about it), I'm still a fan
of the Free Software Movement, and i felt lucky to have a chat with
the guy as he signed my laptop.
I'll be honest, the thing with the website
didn't turn-out as expected. I thought that when my herculean feat
of computer engineering which includes several world's-first
features came to the attention of the technical-media i would become
rich and famous and gain millions of dollars to spend + influence.
However, it's still a rather obscure website. And, even Vice Media
doesn't care to reply to my email messages.
In fact, my limited success has pointed me
away from the field of computing and encouraged me to do some deep
thinking. I realized that I've filled my head with computer
technicalies to the exclusion of other worthy pursuits. And, I've
decided to reverse this personal trend; as one might say, I've been
wearing some new hats.

I've succeeded in shifting the direction of
my career towards the field of culinary endeavor, and im proud to
say that working with food has been a very fulfilling and
enlightening experience. I will share what i learned:
Generally, the recipes that i prefer have no
more than five ingredients (not including spices). Alot of the
instruction found on-line and in contemporary literature is produced
for the purpose of establishing the author as an expert; they tend
to be overly complex. Another issue is the ingredients, for example,
cinnamon depending on origin can be spicy or sweet. A recipe may
call for 1/2 a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, but one should taste the
cinnamon first to decide how much to put in the dish. And, grinding
the spices yourself in a mortar and pistil makes a YUGE difference.
While looking for an instruction-set for
making rice wine, i stumbled onto an excellent youtube-chef named
Maangchi. Here is a link to her rice wine aka Makoli/Makgeolli
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO2s1TavdAE.
Rice wine alone is not as appealing as beer or wine from grapes, but
it's a true white wine (not kind-of green and mostly transparent).
It tastes delicious blended with a banana:
Rice-Wine Smoothie
12oz Makoli rice wine
1 Ripe blended banana
1 Table spoon crushed
pecan on top
I would be lying if i told you that
throughout this stage of life there has not been a dark cloud
hanging over my life caused by the loss of friends to death,
conflict, and marriage. I recently learned of the death of my very
good childhood friend. I can't help feeling responsible, at least
partially implicated, because we spent a great part of our formative
years together. Things would have been different if i had acted
differently, or if i was there. I have a new perspective. Tomorrow
is not a guarantee: the moment is all one has in life. Consequently,
I try not to defer words or actions to a later date; seizing the
day, night, or whatever time is available. Today, I'm less
eager to say good-bye because i understand it could be the last

Best Wishes,
Joe Awni
P.S. If you have questions about making rice wine, e-mail me and i
will send you sample, tips, and the nuruk.